Sustainable Approaches to Achieve a Better World

We continue all of our production and transportation processes with a commitment to leaving a more livable world to the future.

We are working to minimize the carbon footprint by reducing carbon emissions and to protect our world by using all natural resources, especially energy and water, in the most efficient way.

Energy Efficiency

We use modern energy-efficient machines and constantly update our work procedures to minimize energy consumption. We organize training programs for all our employees to internalize the importance of energy efficiency.

Use of Crushed Stone
Close to the Source

We supply our crushed stone from areas close to production facilities in order to minimize emission generation from logistics operations. In our joint efforts with SR Madencilik, which is under Kocalar Group Companies, we strive to keep the cost of logistics operations to the environment at the lowest level.

A solar panel with a capacity of 2 MW produces 67,500 MWh of energy in 25 years. Producing this energy from solar energy instead of thermal power plant prevents 64,800 tons of emission production. With our annual 790 MW Energy Production, we prevent 758 tons of emission generation every year.

R&D Studies to Reduce the Use of Cement

Since cement production requires very high heat treatments, it is among the sectors with high carbon dioxide emissions by nature. Secondary binding materials (mineral additives) used in concrete production reduce cement additives and enable more environmentally friendly concrete solutions to be produced. As Kocalar Beton, we carry out R&D studies to reduce the amount of cement we use in our concrete without sacrificing durability. We aim to lead all our stakeholders in making our industry an environmentally friendly industry.

Management System

We constantly update the Environmental Management System regulation and carry out the necessary awareness-raising activities for all employees to internalize and implement environmental management principles.


We are working to reach the Zero Waste goal. We continue to work on recycling all recyclable wastes and replacing those that are not possible with recyclable ones or equivalents suitable for reuse.